Super Negin saffron is the most expensive type among all types of saffron.
Types of saffron are classified based on quality. Super Negin saffron is the best type, which is composed of pure, uniform, thick, and long all-red stigmas.
Iran is the largest producer of saffron and the producer of the most excellent types of saffron.
Eyjan Company is one of the few suppliers of saffron that performs all stages of Iranian saffron production (cultivation-processing-packaging) independently and with 20 years of experience in producing quality saffron and gaining customer satisfaction is considered as one of the most reputable saffron producers in Iran.
You can order premium Super Negin saffron in any required quantity and in all seasons of the year without any limitation from all over the world and at a fair price through Eyjan Company.
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Table of contents
- Types of saffron
- Super Negin saffron; the highest quality saffron
- Features of Super Negin saffron
- Types of Super Negin saffron
- What are the benefits of super Negin saffron?
- How to buy original Super Negin saffron?
- What is the difference between Negin and Sargol saffron?
- How much Super Negin saffron cost?
Types of saffron

- Super Negin Saffron
- Negin Saffron
- Sargol Saffron
- Pushal Saffron
- Bunch Saffron
- Konj Saffron/Saffron Root
- Saffron powder
Super Negin saffron; the highest quality saffron

Super Negin saffron is unparalleled in beauty and unrivaled in quality. It is at the highest level in terms of color and due to the high amount of Crocin in it. Also, it is the best kind of saffron in terms of appearance.
In order to collect Super Negin saffron, farmers separate red and large breeds of saffron whose stigmas are bulkier and thicker, and the lower parts of their strings are connected. There is no yellow or cream part in this type of saffron.
In the classification of saffron, Super Negin saffron is the most expensive and best type of saffron.
Super Negin Saffron can be called the most valuable saffron on the market, which is superior in all quality, and aesthetic criteria.
According to experts, Super Negin saffron is the most valuable and best type of saffron produced in saffron farmlands.
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Features of Super Negin saffron

Super Negin saffron is an upgraded version of Negin saffron and has every feature that Negin saffron has with a higher quality grade. Among the characteristics of the Super Negin saffron list, we can mention the following:
- Saffron stigmas are separated from each other
- No yellowness or whiteness exists in saffron stigmas
- All existing stigmas are thick
- Wide and large upper part of the stigmas
- Does not have any broken stigmas
- Stigmas without curvature and wrinkling
- Absence of dark stigmas
- Coloring power between 230 to 270 units: Super Negin saffron has the highest coloring properties and the amount of Safranal and Crocin in it is much higher compared to other types of saffron.
Types of Super Negin saffron

- Ironed Super Negin saffron/Super Negin Atoi
- First-Class Super Negin saffron
Saffron stigma is part of the saffron plant and after being separated from the saffron flower, it has a soft texture and must be dried to be ready for consumption. Drying saffron is one of the important steps in preparing saffron. Super Negin saffron is dried and processed using a home or industrial saffron dryer.
Based on the drying method, Super Negin saffron has different types that are known by different names.
In general, there are two traditional and industrial methods (using a machine) for drying saffron
In the traditional method of drying saffron, saffron stigmas darken and twist slightly after drying.
But in drying saffron using a dryer, the bright red color of saffron can be preserved.
Ironed Super Negin saffron/Super Negin Atoi and first-class super Negin saffron
Saffron producers use safer and higher-quality saffron by using dryers.
Also, drying saffron with the dryer machine is done in two ways: the usual drying method and ironing.
By the usual drying of saffron using a dryer, the final product is called First-Class Super Negin saffron which looks fresh and quality.
To produce Ironed Super Negin saffron/Super Negin Atoi , the ironed Super Negin saffron is pressed during processing under physical pressure or air pressure, and the red saffron filaments are flat and look even better than the First-Class Super Negin saffron.
Currently, Ironed Super Negin saffron is available in small quantities in the saffron market, but it is gaining more and more fans every day.
The specialists in the Eyjan factory dry and process saffron in a professional way. The product offered by Eyjan saffron has the highest quality, the lowest percentage of stigma breakage, and the most uniform red color, so Eyjan company is the best option to buy saffron. The highest quality Super Negin saffron is avaliable at Eyjan saffron company.
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what are the benefits of super Negin saffron?

This type of saffron is called the highest quality type of saffron due to having large amounts of the main and effective chemicals of saffron. Super Negin saffron has every property of saffron that it has.
Some of the benefits of this type of saffron include the following:
- Anti-depressant
- Maintain skin health and clarity
- Increase metabolism and energy production
- Strengthen mental strength and its function
- Reduce menstrual cramps
- Improves gastrointestinal function
- Strengthen blood circulation
- Strengthen the skeletal system
- Increase general body immunity
How to buy original Super Negin saffron?

Due to the different brands of saffron and the existence of fierce competition in this market, many profiteers use methods such as dyeing saffron and mixing saffron with low-quality saffron, etc., as the original saffron and at a lower price. seller.
There are different methods to identify original saffron, but the safest way to buy Super Negin saffron is without intermediaries and from reputable and first-hand producers of Iranian saffron.
What is the difference between Negin and Sargol saffron?

It is very difficult for ordinary people to distinguish Sargol saffron from Super Negin saffron, because these two products are very similar to each other, with the difference that Super Negin saffron is larger in terms of stigma length, is smooth and without wrinkles, does not break and the stigmas are all thick.
But in Sargol saffron, the stigma length is shorter, and it may have fracture. Also in terms of saffron stigmas, Sargol saffron has stigmas with small and large thicknesses.
How much Super Negin saffron cost?

The price of Super Negin saffron varies depending on the quality, color, aroma, and breaking amount of saffron strings.
Super Negin saffron has the best quality compared to other types of saffron, including Negin saffron. This type of saffron is also obtained from the upper part of the saffron stigma and doesn’t have any yellow or white stigmas.
Production of this type of saffron is very time-consuming and difficult and for this reason, it has a higher price than other types of saffron. To produce one kilogram of Super Negin saffron, 70 kilograms of saffron flowers must be picked from the field and then cleaned and dried in a special way that is different from other types of saffron.
Therefore, it has a higher price than other types of saffron.
By buying saffron directly from reputable and experienced saffron producers such as Eyjan Saffron Company, buy Super Negin Saffron with guaranteed quality at tge production price.
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