Sargol saffron is the most popular saffron among all saffron types.
Because it has an excellent coloring power, aroma and flavor and the price of Sargol saffron is fair compared to its high quality.
Eyjan saffron producing company has a 20-year history in providing saffron from its farmland in the best regions in Iran and processes and package it according to standards and has many certifications and ISOs.
You can buy Sargol saffron online from Eyjan saffron company in any required quantity and highest quality from anywhere and any time of the year.
Because we are saffron producers, we are able to supply all orders without limitation. By ordering Sargol saffron from us you will receive your product with guaranteed quality and excellent support.
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How Eyjan produces Sargol saffron

Sargol Saffron belongs to the Pushal saffron family and is obtained by processing Pushal saffron. This type of saffron is obtained from the top part of the stigma, the place where large amounts of saffron active ingredients have accumulated.
To prepare Sargol saffron, the red stigma of saffron is completely separated and dried by the Eyjan Saffron Company’s experts.
Then it will be dried and processed in accordance with standards and advanced technology.
The difference between Negin saffron and Sargol saffron

Sargol saffron and Negin saffron are both consist of red saffron stigmas and do not have any whiteness or cream.
For this reason, many people can’t distinguish Sargol saffron from Negin saffron because both types are uniformly all red.
The main difference between Sargol saffron and Negin goes back to the way they produce.
Sargol saffron and Negin saffron both will be obtained by separating saffron cream from Pushal saffron. With the difference that for the production of Negin saffron, strings with larger stigmas are selected so Negin saffron is uniformly composed of thicker and taller stigmas, but the stigma of Sargol saffron is usually smaller.
Also, during this process, some strands of saffron are broken, so the strands of Sargol saffron are usually broken and are smaller than Negin saffron.
As we mentioned, Sargol saffron is obtained by cleaning and sieving Pushal saffron.
Appearance characteristics of Sargol saffron

To identify original Sargol saffron from other types of saffron, you can pay attention to the following items.
As we said, this type of saffron has a variety of quality grades and can cover a large quality range, but in general Sargol saffron has the following features:
- No white or yellow parts
- Presence of fractures in stigmas
- The stigma length is relatively short
Premium Sargol saffron that produces in by Eyjan sacffron company has:
- taller stigmas
- Lesser number of broken and crushed stigmas
- The larger the upper parts of the stigma
- Its quality is higher and has more value in the market.
Therefore, we must say that the main characteristic of Sargol saffron compared to the Negin family is the existence of fractures and the fineness of its saffron strands.
All grades of Sargol saffron are avaliable at eyjan saffron producing company.
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Uses of Sargol saffron

Sargol saffron is the most popular type of saffron due to its high quality, coloring power, aroma, and its fair price.
This type of saffron has so many fans and is widely used in home and industrial uses for cooking and confectionery.
Sargol Saffron price

In addition to the type and quality of saffron, many factors affect the price of saffron. These factors include the time of purchase of saffron, the volume of purchase of saffron (bulk, or packaged in retail boxes), the amount of supply and demand, etc.
In terms of price, Sargol saffron ranks third in the saffron price chart and after Super negin and Negin saffron, the price of Sargol saffron is higher than other types of saffron.
The price chart of saffron in order of price reduction is Super negin saffron, Negin saffron, Sargol saffron, Pushal saffron, and Bunch saffron.
Of course, note that what determines the price of saffron is its quality.
As a general rule, the less cream there is in saffron and the higher the quality of the red stigma, the higher the price of saffron.
Sargol saffron has a fair price compared to its high quality and that’s the resean it’s so popular.
By buying saffron from first-hand saffron suppliers like Eyjan company buy Sargol saffron at the most reasonable price.
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