Saffron powder is obtained by pulverizing different parts of the original saffron.
In saffron production companies, all parts of saffron, including Super Negin saffron, Negin saffron,Pushal saffron and Bunch saffron are separated and turned into powder, drops, and spray.
Eyjan saffron producing company has a 20-year history in providing saffron from its farmland in the best regions in Iran and processes and package it according to standards and has many certifications and ISOs.
You can order saffron powder online from Eyjan saffron company in any required quantity and the highest quality from anywhere and any time of the year.
Because we are saffron producers, we can supply all orders without limitation. By ordering Bunch saffron from Eyjan company you will receive your saffron with guaranteed quality and excellent support.
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What is saffron powder?

Saffron is one of the types of flavors that are used to decorate food or use in dishes. However, due to the high price of saffron, some companies have offered a kind of compressed saffron powder that, in addition to preserving the properties of saffron, has a more reasonable price.
Powdered saffron is mostly used by restaurants, professional chefs, food preparers, coffee shops.
Saffron powder has all the properties and characteristics of this product and its size has been reduced just for easier use.
To prepare saffron powder, large strands of saffron are ground and passed through a sieve with special sizes.
To do this, reputable brands of saffron, such as Eyjan saffron, use the most up-to-date national and international methods to obtain a quality product at the end of the process.
The saffron obtained from this process retains its color and properties. In order to be able to buy safely, it is better to buy saffron from reputable brands, because it is possible that if the brand is not an indicator, it will use other ingredients such as turmeric to fill the package; By doing, saffron will still have its characteristics such as flavoring and aroma, but it does so incompletely and its shelf life will be much shorter than the main product.
Every 10 grams of saffron contains 19.05 kcal of energy, 2.17 g of sugar, 0.88 g of fat and 5.4 g of salt.
Many people mistakenly equate the color of food on the market with saffron powder. If food coloring is offered in abundance and even by hand sellers and is completely chemical and is not prepared from saffron. Therefore, it does not have the properties of saffron at all, but it is very harmful to health.
Since saffron powder, like all types of saffron like Super Negin saffron, Negin saffron, Sargol saffron, Pushal saffron and Bunch saffron does not have large and healthy stigmas, but is powdered and ground; It has a much cheaper price.
All saffron products including saffron powder are avaliable at Eyjan company with the highest quality and fairest price.
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Fake saffron powder

Counterfeit saffron, like other counterfeit products on the market, is offered by vendors and middlemen. And incredibly powdered saffron is sold at the cheapest prices. Sometimes the prices are so low that they can be found to be counterfeit
But some people buy these products because of the low price. This has led to more sales of counterfeit powdered saffron. Counterfeit saffron powder is obtained from a combination of flour, dye and essential oil.
Which will create irreparable risks to the health of its consumers. Be careful when buying saffron powder.
Many saffron powder manufacturers also add powdered sugar to saffron powder.
You can get high-quality and pure saffron powder from big saffron producers such as Eyjan saffron producer company.
Application and properties of saffron powder

This product is very convenient to use. To add it to food, combine it with enough boiling water and then it is ready to be added and consumed. Saffron is used for various tasks such as cooking, medicine, health, etc. This product can help treat some diseases and act like vitamins.
Benefits of using saffron powder
• Lightening and rejuvenation of the skin
• Treating acne and pimples
• Helping treat sunburn
• Helping treat depression
• Reducing stress and anxiety
Packing of saffron powder
Packaging is also very effective in preserving the aroma of saffron. In order to be able to use saffron powder for a long time safely, you must pack it in suitable containers.
Eyjan Saffron Company offers its saffron powder in completely suitable packages, which prevents air and moisture from entering it and does not harm the quality of saffron.
Powdered saffron, if exposed to air, its essential oil will be lost and its aroma will be reduced. Reaching moisture to saffron causes its properties to be lost.
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